Imagine you’re a glass of milk. The liquid part. You’re milk. Trapped in a glass you’re considered a glass of milk even though you’re just milk. And then, bam, you get spilled and you’re going all over the place. Running along the tabletop every which way. Some of you is dripping over the edge. Some of you is getting soaked into a placemat or a sleeve. You’re also kind of pooling around a plate or something. Also now, because of the dripping, you’re on the floor. Some of you is traveling in the grout of the tile. The dog is lapping up some of that part of you so you’re on his tongue and inside his body. You have just troubled his bowels! Some of you is still in the glass but just sort of dribbling out and also settling in. You’re making unpredictable shapes and transformations wherever you are. You are all the milk but also each of the different parts and you are bringing to life thousands or billions of variables just by interacting. You are disorder of the most ordered sort. You were never taught how to be this milk. Imagine that.