I have a dull pain when I rub my eye and when I squeeze it shut. It's a pain that sits around the edge of my eye and makes me worried my eyeball will pop out. It could be because I got some chicken or duck shit in my eye, accidentally. I do come into contact and am frequently in close quarters with chicken and duck shit. Every morning I walk outdoors to open a small door. Out of the small door comes some chickens and ducks into the outside where there is some water they need to drink. Outside there is chicken and duck shit. In the time of year where winter is transitioning into spring and there are sometimes warmer days the temperature will melt some of the snow and ice in this outside area. This causes a chicken and duck shit swamp of sorts. Chickens and ducks and I walk around in it. Some areas are worse than others but it gets on our feet either way. I always wear boots. But just the sheer amount of chicken and duck shit in the outside area means it can unexpectedly get on garments and in other places I don't intend, like my eye.
The other place where there is chicken and duck shit is on the other side of the small door I mentioned. On the other side of that door is the inside area where the chickens and ducks sleep and eat and lay eggs. Since the small door is too small for me to go through I go around to where there is a normal sized door and that's how I get in there. I go in there to give the chickens and ducks some food and collect their eggs. There is shit in there too, but it's not a swamp of shit like outside, it's dry in there so the shit is more like plops of shit. But, again, who knows where the shit can get? Like little microscopic shits can get places you don't know about. They could get directly into my eye or get on a glove and then I touch my eye (though this seems unlikely because I take care to not touch my face with my gloves for this very reason).
Anyway, we'll see how it feels tomorrow.